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Machine Learning dans le Cloud

Machine Learning dans le Cloud

Découvrez comment l'alliance du machine learning et du cloud computing révolutionne l'intelligence artificielle.

How to configure a firewall?

How to configure a firewall?

Your firewall is an important aspect for your network security since it is the first line of protection against cyberattacks. Configuring a firewall might be a daunting task, but it is a must. Watch this video in order to discover how to configure a Firewall on our platform.

Le Cloud, qu’est-ce que c’est?

Le Cloud, qu’est-ce que c’est?

Surement, vous avez entendu parler de cloud, ou ce qu’on appelle l’informatique en nuage, mais vous vous demandez ce que c'est et à quoi ça sert ? Regardez cette vidéo pour découvrir le cloud et ses avantages.

Horizontal Scaling

Horizontal Scaling

Scaling horizontally is the same as scaling by adding more machines to a pool of resources — but instead of adding more power, CPUs, or RAM, you scale back to existing infrastructure. Horizontal scaling allows you to scale your data with more resources than you can add resources using vertical scaling.

Vertical Scaling

Vertical Scaling

Vertical Scaling refers to the ability to dynamically change the amount of allocated server resources (RAM and CPU) according to current requirements without manual intervention. This feature saves time by avoiding overpaying for unused resources and not having to deal with workload-related adjustments or architectural changes.